There should be no doubt about it - Napoleon's imposing figure towered over those of his contemporaries, leaving behind the never-dying legend which still stokes the fire of public imagination.
Yet, how "exclusive" was his contribution in the final account? I am repeating the question posed in class - was Napoleon a progenitor of sweeping changes, or a mere instrument of multiple impersonal forces which fed into spread of the Revolution and its tenets beyond the French borders first into Europe and then into the rest of the world? We could turn this issue into a hypothetical quandary - could same, or similar, all-European transformations be brought into effect without Napoleon's involvement?
In your answer, I would like you to engage the primary sources assigned for this week - i.e. Napoleon's speeches to his army and Fichte's Addresses to the German Nation.
Yet, how "exclusive" was his contribution in the final account? I am repeating the question posed in class - was Napoleon a progenitor of sweeping changes, or a mere instrument of multiple impersonal forces which fed into spread of the Revolution and its tenets beyond the French borders first into Europe and then into the rest of the world? We could turn this issue into a hypothetical quandary - could same, or similar, all-European transformations be brought into effect without Napoleon's involvement?
In your answer, I would like you to engage the primary sources assigned for this week - i.e. Napoleon's speeches to his army and Fichte's Addresses to the German Nation.