You could answer one of the two questions presented below:
1. The Nonaggression treaty signed between the Soviet Union and the Nazi Germany in August 1939 contained, as you know well, the secret protocol, stipulating the division of spheres of influence between the parties of the treaty "in the event of a territorial or political rearrangement."
Based on that agreement (which went beyond the affirmation of friendly intent), could one count the USSR among the instigators of the war? Justify your response.
2. The growing radicalization of the Nazi regime culminated in the planned destruction of the European Jewry, an act of industrial mass killing decided upon in the Wannsee Conference in January 1942. Without attempting to minimize the scale of that crime, many historians, however, tend to believe that the Final Solution (Endloesung) resulted almost entirely from the exigencies of the war itself; in other words, antisemitic through and through, the Nazies, or Hitler himself, did not envision the physical elimination of the Jews from the start, preferring instead emigration, forced expulsions and the deprivation of civic rights.

What is your stance on that issue? Was Holocaust a product of the "contingency of war" - or was the genocidal logic inscribed in the Nazism itself and the transformations it purported to carry out?

Based on that agreement (which went beyond the affirmation of friendly intent), could one count the USSR among the instigators of the war? Justify your response.

What is your stance on that issue? Was Holocaust a product of the "contingency of war" - or was the genocidal logic inscribed in the Nazism itself and the transformations it purported to carry out?
Fascism theory is racial struggle (as socialism about the class struggle), so that is not surprising that Nazis wanted to get rid of other more inferior races (According to their standards). For the Nazis, Jews were special because they perceive them as a virus, this virus influenced to a certain extent on the level of the genome. Moreover of course for the regime which is so anxiously watched over the purity of your genetics, it was the most terrible enemy. And of course, the Nazis understood that deportation does not help because the virus is deeply entrenched within organism, the only conclusion to destroy it with a root Fascists have to show the seriousness of their intentions.
ReplyDeleteEven if we talk about fascism in general, we can say that the terror on the similarity of the Holocaust could not have been avoided, because the hatred of the other nations, which lingers in the minds of the people, sooner or later would lead to such an outcome, people's hatred in such a case reminiscent of the exponential function which is continuously increasing and strictly greater than zero. I think that bringing people together against one enemy, fascists knew that this could happen, because the racial struggle in the literal sense refers to the battle against the other race, and we know the battle does not happen without pain
In my opinion, USSR can be counted as a member of starting the war. Because, in 1939 Hitler knew about his further plans very well. USSR was strong enemy for Germany. And it was clear that the firstly Hitler have to grab the West side (Europe) and then will be turn for USSR. But for that he had to stop the USSR (without war of course). And the good reason was Poland and Nonaggressive pact. Poland was divided into 2 parts. And Germany started implementing their successfully started plan. In 22 June, 1941 Stalin will be shocked for a long time of invading Germany to USSR.
ReplyDeleteHowever, i think Germany was ready to start the war no matter will the USSR help for the beginning or not.
What do we consider to be the exigencies of the war in this case? If it is the fact that during the German expansionist policy a great number of Jews turned out to be under the control of the Nazis and they did not know how to deal with them, then this cannot serve as a justification at all. So the contingency of war was not the underlying cause of the Holocaust, but a mere pretext to start it. However, it seems that the Nazis really treated the death of Jews as the only possible way to "rescue the world" by means of purging this "subhuman race". This kind of genocidal attitude had been growing among the Nazis since the NSDAP took power and was insinuated by nothing but the intense propoganda of Nazi ideology, whereas the groundwork of this ideology was laid in the 25 points manifesto. The Holocaust was not simply a result of carrying out an order coming from the upper Nazi authority, but the objective concealed in the very gist of the ideology gradually driving the Nazis to come to the final solution.
ReplyDeleteThe purpose of Nazi ideology based on the biological concepts of racial struggle is literally mad and exceedingly immoral. Death can be rarely justified, especially on such a large scale.
January 20, 1942, in a suburb of Berlin, at a conference on "Endlösung der Judenfrage", was the decision how to implement the order of Hitler. At the same time, and was created a list that we see above.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the decision to exterminate the Jews was a logical continuation of the idea of ghettoes on the territory of Poland. I find it difficult to answer, why Nazis abandon the policy of forced exile. However, I think, it was cheaper than deportation, especially given the fact that there was a war and deportation was complicated by this fact. Besides, by the time concentration camps became a full-fledged part of the economy. And no matter how strange it may sound, but the annihilation of the Jews created new jobs.
And besides, because the war was external, it is logical to conduct and the internal war and the enemy were Jews, but the enemy always kill.
Thus, I believe that the war was the cause of the transition from deportation to the camps and then to the extermination of the Jewish people.
1. USSR were involved in the war just like Western Democracies: they decided not to interfere into Germany's European 'warless' conquer, but it does not make them innocent (same argument applies to England and France). USSR and other major European countries had enough power to stop Germany, and such great power put equally great responsibility on their shoulders, which they unanimously decided to ignore.